JCR Officers

President – Laurence Cooke


Hi, I’m Laurence, a 2nd year from the Midlands studying Philosophy and French and this year’s JCR President. My role is to help the rest of the committee do the best job possible and represent the undergraduate student body in college decision-making.  A big focus for me over the next two terms will be taking the next steps towards our commemoration ball in 2026, overseeing changes to the accommodation licence, and improving a few other areas of college life with your input. Please do get in touch if you have any concerns about the JCR or you’re not sure whom to direct your query to – I’ll be more than happy to help!

Vice President – Joe Dunn


Hi, I’m Joe, a second-year historian and the JCR vice president!  I’m mainly responsible for organising housing and fresher’s week, but I also fill in for the President when he’s not available. My aim is to make the housing ballot system as painless as possible for students, and to organise a enjoyable freshers week that doesn’t take itself too seriously, but includes all the important stuff needed to start the new intake off on the right footing.

Secretary – Oscar Whittle


Hi, I’m Oscar, a second year studying History and Politics. The role of Secretary is essentially to know the constitution back to front, advise anyone interested in passing motions how best to do that, and take minutes from meetings.

Treasurer – Zohaib Bhatti


Omg hi everyone, I’m Zohaib, a second year studying maths and computer science. As Treasurer, it’s my job to make sure everything money related in the JCR runs smoothly, which mainly involves getting people paid for events and JCR spending. Feel free to drop me an email if you want to know about JCR funding or think we should finance something! 🐸🐸

Academic Affairs Officer – Elliot Francolla


I’m Elliot, a second-year Ancient and Modern historian and the JCR Academic Affairs Officer. I am broadly responsible for the JCR’s annual academic feedback process to take place in Hilary term, and will otherwise work to provision undergraduate academic support where possible through study skills and revision sessions.

Arts Officer – Isabel Gregory


Hi everyone, I’m Izzy and your Arts Officer for 2025. My role is to oversee all artistic happenings in the college – from Art’s week, to workshops. We have lots of exciting things coming for Week 4 of Hilary: the play, student art exhibition, pottery painting, life drawing, music recitals and more. Hopefully, to inspire people in college to be more creative, more often. As the arts officer I would like to make some of these workshops more regular, and run throughout term. I also work alongside the college’s keeper of special collections, to host exhibitions throughout the year in the Dolphin Gallery, and keep track of all the paintings hanging in rooms around St Johns.

Access and Admissions Officer – Amelia Taylor


Hi, I’m Amelia. I’m a second-year History and Politics student, and I’m your Access and Admissions Officer. I’m really passionate about ensuring people from underrepresented backgrounds feel that St John’s is a place for them, and I work closely with the college Access team to support this. Feel free to let me know if you have any suggestions on how to improve this process!

Domestic Officers – Leandro Landolina and Euan Warner


We are Euan and Leandro and we are the JCR Domsecs for 2025. We’ll be organising guest dinners, halfway hall and the garden party, as well as maintaining the airbed scheme and the food feedback forum.

External Affairs Officer – Jerome Pailing


Hi, I’m Jerome, a first year studying French and Spanish, and I’m the external affairs officer for this year, which means I organise things like alumni talks, formal hall swaps and the St John’s discount scheme. Please feel free to message me if you’ve got any suggestions for events or any local businesses you’d like to see discounts for!

Entz Officers – Georgina Cooper and Mia Hewitt


We’re Mia and Georgina and we’re excited to be the Entz reps for this year. We’re responsible for planning and organising internal and external bops and events throughout the year. Our top priority is keeping events inclusive, innovative, and instragrammable to ensure that there is always something for everyone to enjoy. Follow us on Instagram @sjc.entz to keep up with all things Entz!

Environment and Ethics Officer – Josh Swan


Hi, I’m Josh, a second year Biology student at John’s and I am excited to be your Environment and Ethics Officer. My job is to ensure that here in college we uphold the highest environmental and ethical standards, from catering through to sustainability and emissions policy. I am also responsible for the JCR’s engagement with, and support for, charities chosen by undergraduates. I will lobby college to build a pond in the gardens as well as lobbying for many other changes throughout college to improve sustainability here at John’s. I will also run an anonymous survey to collect ideas for improving sustainability. Feel free to email me with any questions, queries, or suggestions!

Equality and Diversity Officer – Kaya Yarde


Hi guys, I’m Kaya- a 2nd year PPE student and I’m this year’s Equality and Diversity Officer. This means I’m responsible for running events such as the BAME and LGBTQ+ dinners, as well as helping liaise with the college regarding equality concerns the student body may have in order to facilitate policy reform and ensure John’s stays as a welcoming and friendly community for everybody!

IT Officer – Andras Bard


Hi, I’m Andras, a first year Computer Science student and this year’s IT Officer. I’m responsible for maintaining this website and running the IT equipment loan scheme.

If you have an idea for the website, want us to add something new to the loan scheme, or have any other IT related question, just drop me an email and I’ll be happy to help.

Sports Officer – Rory Bristoll


Hi, I’m Rory, a 2nd year Geographer and the Sports Officer for the JCR this year. My role involves supporting all college sports teams, managing budgets, completing reimbursements, and helping to organise the Sports Dinner at the start of Trinity. If you have any questions regarding college sport, feel free to contact me on the sports officer email.

Welfare Officers – Anya Macaulay, Ishen Dodhia and Sofya Donets


Hey guys!! We’re your welfare officers this year and we’re so excited to be working with you. A quick bit about us (from left to right):

Anya: 1st year Medicine
Ishen: 1st year Biology
Sofya: 1st year Psych + Ling

We’ll be continuing the welfare classics you know and love, like karaoke, welfare walks and TW tea but are also excited to introduce some fun new events this year! Stay tuned on Facebook and Instagram and keep an eye out for our weekly emails!

Women’s Officer – Leanne Mabena


Hi, I’m Leanne, a first-year medic, and I’m excited to be your new Women’s Officer! My goal is to build a supportive and empowering community where we can all feel confident and comfortable. I’m committed to ensuring that sanitary products are easily accessible to everyone who needs them, and I want to encourage women to step outside their comfort zones—whether that’s through gym classes, trying something new, or simply supporting one another. I’m here to listen, help, and create a space where all who identify as women feel valued and empowered!

Returning Officer – Jan Hubel


Hi, I’m Jan (he/him), a third year History and Economics student and the Returning Officer (commonly called the RO) of our JCR.

As RO, I ensure that all JCR Officers are elected in free and fair elections. To this end, I inform JCR members about upcoming elections, procedures and rules, and organise hustings.

I am independent of the JCR Committee, and therefore a point of contact for any complaints regarding the conduct of Officers or functioning of the JCR.

Please let me know if you have any questions about the JCR constitution or election process. You can reach me via email, or in college anytime!